
Toby Martini

In an almost larger-than-life personality, Toby Martini has singlehandedly pioneered rapid improvements in the world of business leadership for several decades, training business leaders and teams how to think on their feet. 

Our Advisory Board

Kathy Callahan Brady

Kathie Callahan Brady is the CEO of Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. (FITCI)

Being an entrepreneur is part of her DNA. She has founded 4 successful companies in various industries. She taught for the University of Maryland computer science division in Germany. Worked as an executive climbing the ladder of success for National Academy of Sciences before she went out on her own. She continues to pursue her passion in Real Estate.

Today,  At Frederick Innovative Technology Center (FITCI) she works with some of the most gifted biotech and technology companies as the CEO fo FITCI where she has been the driving force behind the organization’s revitalization. She’s been written up the last two months in the Frederick Magazine in the “People to Watch” and “Hatching Business” section. FITCI companies are in the news each month and she’s a continual learner and member of Vistage.

Doug Linder

Doug Linder

Leading and helping turn around nonprofits has been the specialty of Mr. Linder. He had a 30-year career with the YMCA at various Ys around the country, and since then has headed up the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce and the Police Athletic League. Doug is now utilizing the expertise he has acquired to help nonprofits meet their mission.

Leveraging outside resources including collaborations and providing guidance to the boards to understand their role, each organization began to turn around financially, programmatically, in their fundraising, and most importantly in the awareness the community had for their mission. And, each sustained substantial growth in their budget, the expansion of programs, and their outreach to the community.

Carson Shaffer DTM

Carson is a Professional Speaker, 25-year Technology Entrepreneur and Air Force Veteran. His passion is helping people learn to communicate with others who may be very different from themselves. Carson came to Florida from New Jersey to attend UCF, saw the palm trees and never left!

After a lifetime in technology, Carson is glad to be able to give back to the tech community through speaking and consulting with growth-stage companies. A performing musician since the age of 8, Carson lives with his family on a small farm outside of Orlando.

Logan Steele, Ph.D.

Logan Steele is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Decision Sciences in the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida. He earned his Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Oklahoma with a minor in Quantitative Psychology.

His research interests are primarily in the areas of leadership, creativity, and ethics. Within these areas, Logan has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. In addition, Logan has worked with the Department of Defense and Amazon designing and implementing selection and assessment systems.